Friday 27 January 2012

Past weeks work and final posters

So fell behind deadline on this assignment due to an overload of other work, and it was pushed out of my mind unfortunately, resulting in a taking longer to complete than planned  but the past week has been a nusy one and i have i finally finished, the resulting 6 final images below are the sum and representation of the Mods and rockers 60s era. i think i captured the aspects of the culture very well.

The above finals are the rockers and the Mods posters, that represents each the mods and rockers as they are, in their style and personality. i also used a text style that seem to flow with the stly of the mods and the rockers, using their symbols that each culture liked to use alot.

The above 2 posters represent he mods and rockers music culture and style. defining the key artists and musicians that they listened to. also capturing the personality side of things through dress and style of he bands and artists. 

I chose to go simple and straightforward with this poster design. i have detailed a document explaining how i came to create his specific poster, and the reason for choosing the style and layout i did.

The final image depicts the violence and conflict between the mods and rockers, showing their violent nature and rivalry they had against each other. fights broke out normally along the south coastlines, the logos of both here sown behind the text, "your friendly mods n rockers" that kinda gave the image some humour.  

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